Sun Evening

Jeremy Butcher & the Bail Jumpers Bob Wilson (right) - organ, trumpet & vox guest guitarist - Rick Roberts Jeremy Butcher - guitar and vox Mike Thompson - drums
Geno Torres (in the hat) - vox and percussion j4d4 SunPM1 007 j4d4 SunPM1 008 Mark Cavender (center) - bass & vox David Yount (left) - Harp
j4d4 SunPM1 011 j4d4 SunPM1 012 j4d4 SunPM1 013 j4d4 SunPM1 014 Jeremy had just gotten married
Swift Kick j4d4 SunPM1 018 John Kinsch (left) - Bass Rodney Roberson (right) - Drums j4d4 SunPM1 020 Tom Wiley - Lead Guitar
Laif Massey - Lead Guitar Mike Powell - Lead Vocals j4d4 SunPM1 023 j4d4 SunPM1 024 j4d4 SunPM1 025
j4d4 SunPM1 026 This evenings headliner KCMeltdown's Leonard Gragson (Guitar and Vocals) takes the stage with a grand entrance from the back of the room. Leonard Gragson - Guitar and Vocals j4d4 SunPM2 003 Dan Button (center) – Lead Vocals, Guitar, Harmonica and Keyboards
j4d4 SunPM2 005 j4d4 SunPM2 006 Drew Barber - Drums j4d4 SunPM2 008 j4d4 SunPM2 009
Greg Bush (center in the back) - Bass Mark Toelkes (right) - Lead Vocals, Guitar and Percussion j4d4 SunPM2 011 j4d4 SunPM2 012 j4d4 SunPM2 013 j4d4 SunPM2 014
j4d4 SunPM2 015 j4d4 SunPM2 016